Class IV Laser Therapy is an FDA cleared therapeutic treatment that manages pain and inflammation while accelerating tissue regeneration. Laser energy increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen, and nutrients to the damaged area. This creates an optimal healing environment that reduces inflammation, swelling, muscle spasm, stiffness and pain!
I sought out laser treatment for knee pain. After five treatments my mobilityand comfort has greatly increased. I'm able to sleep better at night especiallywhen moving in bed.
W.B. Age:70 Suffolk, VA.
I sought out laser treatment for knee pain. I have had fantastic results! I hadpain for one to one and 1/2 years and was progressing. I was recommended to havesurgery but after my first visit I felt a big difference. 92% improvement! Iwould recommend this treatment by all means!
J. F. Chesapeake, VA
I sought out laser treatment for spinal stenosis. I went to a neurosurgeon andthey told me they could do surgery and put in metal rods, but it wasn't aguarantee. So at my age of 77 I saw an ad in the newspaper and decided to tryit. After about three weeks I noticed a difference. Now I come in once a monthand can live a comfortable life. The treatments met my expectations. I can dojust about everything. I couldn't even go to the grocery store before as I wasin so much pain I couldn't stand longer than 10 minutes. I would recommend thistreatment as it was very successful for me. It is certainly better thanvolunteering for surgery.
J.B. Chesapeake ,VA
I sought out laser treatment for back pain from spinal stenosis. I feelfantastic! My initial pain level was an 8-9 and now is 0-1. My pain was shootingdown my leg and now I no longer have that sensation. I would recommend thistreatment of others.
J.B. Age: 75 Chesapeake, VA
I sought out laser treatment because I was having severe pain in my left leg andlower back. I couldn't walk. I initially a couple of treatments which give mesome quick relief, however I had a setback. So I started a series of treatmentsand have had remarkable achievements. I would say the treatment has exceeded myexpectations since I noticed improvements within 2 to 3 sessions. I am able towalk again because my severe pain is gone. If you need relief, I would say thisis the tool for it
R.S. Portsmouth, Va
I sought out laser treatment for lower back pain. Now 90% better, I'm walkingbetter, and pain is less severe. I have referred my wife and granddaughter.
G.A. Age 75 Western branch
I sought out laser treatment because I had sciatica. I had an operation for stenosis two years ago but it made it worse. I saw a chiropractor for two months which made it worse, two podiatrists, physical therapy, and acupuncture. Using the pain scale chart I came in as a 7 to 8 and I gradually started dropping down to a 2. At this point it's beyond my expectations because after trying everything before this I had lost faith. I am able to do things I used to dosuch as yardwork, washing trucks and painting. I would highly recommend this treatment since it's the only thing that is ever worked for me.
C.C. Portsmouth, VA
I sought out laser treatment for knee and back pain. I had tried anotherchiropractor before without success. After treatment my knee is much better andI no longer have the pain level I had before. I virtually have no pain. Thistreatment has exceeded my expectations. Come give it a try especially if youhave tried other chiropractic services with little to no results.
D.H. Chesapeake, VA

YES!, Please e-mail me or call me for my Class 4 laser consultation, so I can find out if laser therapy is right for my condition.